Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just pretend like you didn't already guess that I'm pregnant

The verdict:

I'm not quite sure how this happened. I mean, I am... but... wow.

On Monday, at 8 DPO, I got a call from a friend asking if we wanted to join her on a walk. I got dressed, looked in the mirror, everything was in place... got the kiddo ready and out we went. When I got home, I caught another glimpse in the mirror, and I had changed. My stomach had popped out considerably. Like I had gone to Old Country Buffet and eaten enough for an entire family. And I started having cramps. Could be AF or the effects of the progesterone of course, but I started to get *gasp* hopeful that it could be my BFP on the way.

On Tuesday, at 9 DPO, I went against my better judgement and used one of those home pregnancy tests. That's the problem with having 12 of them in the cupboard, no cause for restraint. And I got a very faint line. Could have been an evaporation line (false positive), but those are gray. And I swore I saw pink. Took another cheapie test after lunch, same very faint line. Two evap lines? Less likely. A third very faint line that evening when DH was home from work.

On Wednesday, at 10 DPO, I used the digital. DH and I sat on the edge of the bathtub and watched the window with anticipation. Blink... blink... blink...


I called the nurse and arranged for a blood test that morning. My hcg level came back at 33. Which is a rather low number in and of itself, but when taken in consideration that I was only 10 DPO, it's relatively high. According to, the average hcg of a singleton pregnancy at 10 DPO is 16, and a twin pregnancy is 31. You can't base everything off those numbers, because what day your implantation occurred makes a big difference in your results. But looking good.

On Friday, at 12 DPO, I went back for a follow up blood test. They want to see your hcg number double in 48 hours. Mine was 109. So it more than tripled. According to the same web site, the average hcg of a singleton pregnancy at 12 DPO is 37, and a twin pregnancy is 66.

I am, it would seem, with child.

It's extremely early, I am only 3 weeks pregnant today. (Due date is April 22, for those of you playing along at home.) And there has been so much devastating pregnancy loss in the community lately, that the fragility of my condition isn't lost on me.

I'm not excited yet, but hopeful. Please pray for me and my little one.

Thanks for holding on with me.


  1. Hoe. Lee. Wow. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! Those numbers are HIGH! Are you going to have another beta drawn? I am THRILLED that you have such high numbers! You just made my Saturday!

  2. Bean is going to be a brother YAY!! I have been waiting on the edge of my seat. Congraulations! I definitely will be praying!

  3. I had to back up and see again how many follies you had. I'm now guessing that two stuck. :)

  4. I am Super Happy and Hopeful for you, your numbers look wonderful. Best Wishes for your next appt. Ha, ha, popped out like Country Buffet!

  5. Yeah!!! Congratulations!!! Thrilling news. I hope that things continue to progress successfully for you. You'll be in our prayers! I know these next few weeks/months can be scary so I am with you! Sarah

  6. YAAAAAAAY!!!! I am thinking only the best, healthy baby thoughts and am very hopeful! Wonderful, wonderful news! :)

    I also know how scary the beginning is but you have got to start somewhere! And those betas are so encouraging!!!

  7. WOOOHOOOO congratulations! I'm so very happy for you, sweetie! I hope you are walking around with a big goofy grin on your face!

  8. Wow! I'm so happy for you. I understand your hesitation to celebrate, but as they say, you are pregnant until proven otherwise. Wow!

  9. What!?!?! I'm shocked ;)

    Here is your 'official' CONGRATS!!!!!

  10. Wooooooo! Yay, Sunny!!!!! Soon you'll be able to replace that "Never days to go" countdown!!!!!

  11. Ooooh those numbers are so exciting!!! What great news! I'm so happy to be celebrating along with you. I know how scary it is, but the exhilirating glimpse of promise....amazing! I'm getting all teary I'm so excited for you!

  12. Congratulations you're now officially part of the pregnancy tsunami thats currently crashing onto my shores!!

    Hope the number continue to climb nicely for you!


  13. I am so, so, so happy for you! I know it is early and fragile, but pregnancy is the first step. Congratulations!

    I am really hoping we can be bump budies!

  14. Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!! Congratulations, and you're in my prayers.

  15. That is so fantastic! Congrats!!!

  16. WAHOO!! Best news Ive had all day! You and bean #2 are in my prayers!!

  17. Jesus!!!

    So good! Lovely news!!! And I so wish that you have nothing but good news coming your ways! Here's to being knocked up and the sweet rainbow and April Showers!!!

  18. A little love, and I take away the right of saying No!

  19. Woooooohooooo Yea-ahhhh!!!! Great news. Now it's time to move on to Ode to Joy! I'm sure that our excellent lunch date had something to do with the outcome. ;-) Sending much love and hopes and dreams for more great numbers very very soon.

  20. Awesome news! I'm so happy for you guys and praying that everything proceeds well!

  21. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Congratulations :-)

  22. Hooray!!! I'm sooooooo happy for you. I'm keeping my fingers crossed very a very smooth 9 or so months.

  23. oh YES!! Congratulations Sunny, I'm so happy for you!! :) :)

  24. Ooooh, Sunny! This is the BEST NEWS EVER! SOOOOO pleased for you, DH, and Bean! I promise to come back and read up on the posts I missed while I was away. But I wanted to offer my congrats first. Yea! :)


  25. Congratulations!!! I'm usually a silent reader of your blog, but this news is just too exciting to not leave a comment. :) I'm thrilled for you and am sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.

    Meghan :)

  26. Hey Girl! It's Aimee from TWW! I am so happy for you! I can't wait to find out your u/s results.

    Rowan loved the video of Danny from your other blog. She watched it over and over!

  27. Here from LFCA...

    Congratulations, and best of luck!

    It's a great idea to have separate IF and pregnancy blogs, if you can keep up with them both -- I don't think I could. :)

  28. Wow. So happy to see this.

    niobe (I couldn't leave a non anonymous comment)

  29. Praying and wishing so hard for you. You and I will be due right around the same time. My first beta was at 13dp3dt= 325.5. According to beta base, it is high for singleton, a little on the low side for twins. I go back tomorrow, and will, of course, blog about the new number. Hoping for 650-700!


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